Friday, December 13, 2013

Woman gets demo iPad unit with some dummy’s contacts and photos


Here’s a holiday shopping PSA for everyone buying a tablet (or any electronic device for that matter). Open the box and check the contents before you leave the parking lot of the store. If you don’t, you or your recipient may be in for a big surprise.

Take, for example, this recent story out of Canada about a women who bought an iPad Air over the Thanksgiving holiday. In the Black Friday shopping frenzy, Robin Crowley of Cambridge, Ontario went to Target and managed to snag a discounted iPad. Hurrying home to unwrap her goods, Crowley was shocked when she fired up the device and found images, contacts and other personal information from someone else who apparently lived in California.

Word about her unfortunate purchase traveled quickly, and she made a brief appearance on CTV News to share her plight. It was here that she detailed her adventure and divulged a key piece of evidence that explains how she received a device filled with someone else’s information. According to Crowley, her iPad Air had “demo” written on the side of the box.

Instead of a returned item, Crowley may have been sold a store demo unit that was sitting in inventory waiting to make its way to the sales floor. In the shopping frenzy, an employee must have grabbed this demo box and inadvertently sold it to a Crowley. After all is said and done, she would like a replacement device — a new model this time– and is working with Target to resolve this matter.

To avoid having this happen to you, remember to check the box either before you leave the store or at least before you leave the parking lot. Once you take the item home, it gets harder to plead your case. Just ask Colin Marsh of the UK who was arrested after he tried to return an iPad box that was filled with clay when he bought it.

[Via CNET]

Posted by Kelly on Dec 03, 2013 -

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