Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cydia app for jailbroken devices updated with iOS 7 look and feel

Jailbreaking may be for those who want the freedom to step outside of what Apple has decided iOS devices should do, but even jailbreakers are not immune to the influence of the company’s design guidelines, it seems.

The Cydia app, which allows users of jailbroken iPhones and iPads to install software not available on the App Store, has been updated with a flat look, bright colors and translucent overlays in line with iOS 7. This follows the surprise release of an iOS 7-compatible untethered jailbreak by the Evasi0n team.

There’s perhaps a small amount of rebellion in the fact that the app’s icon has not yet been updated to an iOS 7 look.

A thank-you for help with the new look was tweeted by @saurik. Video of the new app below the break …

Owners of the original iPad and 4th-gen iPod Touches can also get in on the action after a follow-up jailbreak for those on iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.5

Thanks, Rachel, for the screengrabs

Written by: Ben Lovejoy @benlovejoy December 24, 2013/7:12 am -

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