Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mac Pro now available in Apple’s Online Store [Update: Shipping estimates slips to February]

mac pro

As expected, Apple’s much awaited desktop, the Mac Pro has gone on sale on the company’s online stores.

The base models ship by December 30, whereas the customized models will ship sometime in January.

The new Mac Pro is a looker, with a new cylindrical body and internals that’ll blow your socks off. It features the following specifications:

  • Redesign with cylindrical body, 1/8th the size
  • Intel Xeon processor
  • 1866 MHZ DDR3 ECC Memory
  • Dual Workstation graphics, AMD FirePro graphics, up to 12GB of GDDR5 VRAM
  • Flash storage with 1.2GBps reads, 1.0GB/s writes, up to 1TB of capacity
  • Thunderbolt 2, 6 devices per port, 20GB/s throughput
  • 4K display support, up to three 4K displays
  • quiet performance that is no louder than a Mac mini (12dB when idle)
  • dual audio out, 4USB 3.0, HDMI, motion sensor, 802.11ac and more
  • Versions of FinalCut, Aperture will be designed to take advantage of the MacPro hardware
  • Assembled in the USA

The base model, at $2999, includes a 3.7 GHz quad-core Intel Xeon E5 processor, two AMD FirePro D500 workstation GPUs, 12GB of RAM, and a 256GB flash storage drive. The $3999 model has a six-core 3.5GHz processor, 16GB of RAM, better GPUs, and 256GB flash storage.

A fully loaded Mac Pro with 2.7GHz 12-core Intel Xeon E5 processor with 64GB RAM, dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs retails for $9599. You also have the option to buy Sharp’s Sharp 32-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Monitor for $3,595.


It has hardly been a few hours since the Mac Pro has been on sale, and shipping estimates for Mac Pro has slipped to February from December 30. MacRumors reports:

The rapid move to push shipping off by over a month indicates that Apple has indeed been struggling to have any Mac Pro units at all ready to ship in order to meet its previously announced launch timeframe. Reports had indicated that Intel’s chips are in short supply and may have been one of the major bottlenecks for Mac Pro production, but with an all-new design, high-end technology throughout, and Apple shifting assembly to the United States, there are any number of areas where Apple may be experiencing production constraints.


[Via Apple]

Posted by Gautam on Dec 19, 2013 -

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