Wednesday, December 25, 2013

AAPL stock more than 3 percent up on China Mobile news


After the fall in Apple’s stock value when the China Mobile failed to materialise as expected on 18th December, yesterday’s news that the deal had finally been concluded sent the stock shooting back up again, having climbed more than 3 percent at the time of writing (it was up 4% in pre-market trading but has settled).

With the WSJ having reported that 18th December was the day, the market was clearly jittery when nothing materialized. Everything had appeared to be in place: regulatory approval, Apple putting the handsets on sale in China on the opening weekend, China Mobile posters, a pre-order website, in-store displays – and 4G service up-and-running on schedule … 

One theory suggested that China Mobile wanted to renegotiate its volume breaks with Apple after seeing far greater demand for the iPhone 5s than for the cheaper 5c, while Fortune suggested this morning that perhaps Apple wanted to delay the deal until supplies had caught up with demand elsewhere, and that China Mobile had been applying none-too-subtle pressure on Apple by announcing the date as if it were a done deal.

Either way, there will be a lot of relieved faces that the deal has finally been signed, and Apple can look forward to a bumper quarter once the handsets go on sale in January.

Written by: Ben Lovejoy @benlovejoy December 23, 2013/7:32 am -

Cydia app for jailbroken devices updated with iOS 7 look and feel

Jailbreaking may be for those who want the freedom to step outside of what Apple has decided iOS devices should do, but even jailbreakers are not immune to the influence of the company’s design guidelines, it seems.

The Cydia app, which allows users of jailbroken iPhones and iPads to install software not available on the App Store, has been updated with a flat look, bright colors and translucent overlays in line with iOS 7. This follows the surprise release of an iOS 7-compatible untethered jailbreak by the Evasi0n team.

There’s perhaps a small amount of rebellion in the fact that the app’s icon has not yet been updated to an iOS 7 look.

A thank-you for help with the new look was tweeted by @saurik. Video of the new app below the break …

Owners of the original iPad and 4th-gen iPod Touches can also get in on the action after a follow-up jailbreak for those on iOS 6.1.3 to 6.1.5

Thanks, Rachel, for the screengrabs

Written by: Ben Lovejoy @benlovejoy December 24, 2013/7:12 am -

Review: Moga Ace Power iOS game controller one-ups the competition

On Friday we got our hands on one of the first of Apple’s new MFi game controllers for a full review of the Logitech PowerShell. Today we’re taking a look at that controller’s only real competitor: the Ace Power from Moga.

Does Moga’s controller improve on the few nitpicks we had with Logitech’s? What controller is the better buy for the $100 asking price? Head below to find out. 


Moga and Logitech took slightly different approaches with their controllers and both designs come with a couple of their own trade-offs and benefits. If Logitech’s is essentially a standard Super Nintendo style controller in both design and button layout, Moga’s controller is clearly an Xbox controller clone. Moga is using Apple’s “Extended” layout, which adds dual joysticks and a second set of left and right shoulder buttons compared to the “standard” layout used on Logitech’s controller.

My first impressions of the Moga is that the whole unit felt rather cheap and plasticky, the exact opposite of the much more solid Logitech controller that sports a rubberized grip along the back of the controller. Things get a little better for the device’s rigidity after docking the iPhone in the controller, but there’s no denying the whole controller feels a little bit too much like a toy opposed to a serious game controller, especially at the $100 price point. It’s about the same length as the Logitech, but it’s much bulkier. That’s not exactly a bad thing, though, as it’s mainly because of the Xbox-style palm rests/grips that I find a little more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time compared to the SNES-style controller. However, the build-quality of the controller’s body is just about the only area Logitech has Moga beat.

Before even getting to the buttons, Moga’s design has a few other key advantages over the Logitech design. A built-in headphone jack will let you avoid that ugly blue rubber adapter used on Logitech’s, while the switch to hit the iPhone’s power button isn’t a pain to use on Moga’s. It’s also got the advantage of a spring loaded design that stretches to accommodate multiple devices. While Logitech’s has a snug, pressure fit for iPhone 5 & 5S much like your standard iPhone case, Moga’s expanding design stretches to fit an iPhone 5S, 5, 5C, and 5th gen iPod touch. That also means the whole controller contracts to a more manageable size when traveling (pictured above). Unfortunately, for every device but the iPhone 5C, you’ll have to insert finicky plastic inserts. Mine came with the iPhone 5S/5 inserts preinstalled.


While the buttons themselves aren’t much better than what you’ll find on Logitech’s, I’m happy to report they are slightly larger and more spaced out on the Moga and didn’t rattle around as much. The d-pad too feels more substantial, but it suffers from feeling a little bit sticky and clicky rather than stiff. The shoulder buttons (especially the extra second set) feel quite stiff and springy, but it’s all not enough to hold me back from using the controller. For a while I rarely had to use the d-pad as for many games I opted for the dual analog sticks for character, menu and camera movements. But the dual joysticks are noting to brag about either– They are quite small and shallow– and for games that didn’t require the joysticks I found myself preferring the d-pad. The joysticks feel small and cheap on first impression (and they are), but its not something that really interfered with gameplay or reliable input.


Apple has for the first time introduced a standardized game controller specification alongside iOS 7 making it easier for developers to support all game controllers made for iPhone. The new framework makes it possible for developers to update their games once with support for controllers and automatically support all controllers manufacturers develop using Apple’s MFi program. But it’s up to developers to embrace Apple’s new controller program and update their games with support, and that’s the number one thing holding back both the Moga and Logitech controller.

The good news is Moga’s controller currently supports a much longer list of games compared to Logitech’s. That’s mainly thanks to the dual analog sticks (as I mentioned in my Logitech review), which allow the controllers to support newer 3D titles like Grand Theft Auto that require the joysticks to control both camera and character movement at the same time. While you can still use Logitech’s with GTA, the compromise is you’ll have to use the touch display for some functions not available on the physical controls. For at least hardcore gamers excited about finally using a real controller, that will surely take away from the experience and plain doesn’t work for some games.


For people like myself that grew gaming with physical controllers, the new MFi controllers represent a huge opportunity for gaming on iOS. Sure we’ve had game controllers before for iPhones and iPads, but it’s mostly a market that has catered to retro gamers with mostly only support for arcade-style games. In a year from now when just about every developer bakes in controller support, and some even begin developing games specifically for the controller, I predict there will be a huge ecosystem of game controllers just like with Apple’s other MFi programs. Here’s to hoping the controllers (at least the buttons) improve along the way, but until then I’ve had a great time with Moga’s new Ace Power controller.

The asking price for both Logitech’s and Moga’s new controllers is a little on the high side as far as controllers go— $100— but you’ll also get a large battery built-into both that can be switched on to get around 50-60% of your iPhone’s battery life back. For the bonus of the “extended” layout, and in my opinion a better design, the Moga gets by vote despite the Logitech’s body sporting a better overall build quality. Some comparison shots with both controllers below:

The Moga Ace Power and Logitech PowerShell are available now for $99 each.

Written by: Jordan Kahn @JordanKahn 23 hours, 32 minutesago -

How to spend your iTunes credit this holiday season — the best apps and games for iPhone and iPad

Best Apps for iPhone & iPad

Whether you are just unwrapping a new iPhone or iPad or have received stacks of iTunes gift cards this holiday season, you are undoubtedly on the hunt for the best apps to fill up your shiny iOS devices. Read on for my recommendations of the best apps and games for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch for 2013.

 Say The Same Thing (iPhone)


This is a delightful ‘free-form’ game from Space-Inch. Over Game Center, you and friend name a random word each. Next round, the goal is to guess the word that connects the two words together. Turns continue until you and your partner say the same word. The aim is to reach the same word in the fewest number of turns. Calling it a ‘game’ is a bit of stretch — you both end up winning. It’s more collaborative than competitive. As the game does not have a predetermined word list, the game is very casual and rules are extremely lax. Playing with close friends quickly turns into a romp of inside jokes, laughter and amusement. You can also chat with cute emoticons and stamps as you play, rounding out the title.

Say The Same Thing is actually free, but I highly suggest paying the $3 in-app purchase to remove the ads. It’s worth it.

Vert (iPhone and iPad)


Finding the best conversion app is a minefield. Right now, I think Vert is my favorite. Not only it is universal, but it encapsulates a huge variety of available conversions. With over 900 units spanning 33 categories here, this really is a one-stop shop. Shoe size, fuel consumption, density, currency, length, hat size, bra size, viscosity and more can be found here. Despite the vast number of conversions on offer here, the app is extremely restrained with its interface. The hierarchy is simple; select a category, scroll to select units within that category. There’s a really satisfying ‘click’ as you scroll through the wheel of units too. The default appearance of Vert looks great on iOS 7, but extensive theming options in Vert’s setting unlock some more extravagant color choices if you prefer.

Vert is a steal at just $1.99 for both iPhone and iPad.

Dark Sky (iPhone and iPad)


Dark Sky is the weather app for the real world. Built with a premise to answer the question ‘Is it going to rain?’ it comes in handy a lot more than you think. Dark Sky predicts when it will rain later in the day, with an almost unbelievable to-the-minute precision. Scheduling your daily errands around the forecast feels like the future. You can even set up the app to send push notifications when it recognises upcoming rain in your location.

Dark Sky is a universal app and costs $2.99. As the service relies on local forecast data, the app only works in the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Letterpress (iPhone and iPad)


This turn-based word game has become a bit of a phenomenon on iOS. The rules are simple enough. Gain control over tiles by finding a word in the grid. Defend tiles by surrounding them with like-colored tiles. Win by owning the majority of the letters at the end of the game. Strangely addicting, I play Letterpress almost every day. It’s really easy to jump in for a few minutes and take your moves. The game is extremely refined, with a barebones visual style and gameplay that omits gimmicky power-ups or other up-selling game mechanics, a refreshing outlier in the land of the App Store these days. It’s my word game of choice.

Letterpress is available for free, on both iPhone and iPad, but a $1.99 in-app purchase unlocks additional themes and lets you play more than two games simultaneously.

Cut The Rope 2 (iPhone and iPad)


The sequel to the smash-hit was released this month and I am addicted. If you liked the original you’ll be subjected to a total of 120 more challenges to work through, revolving around the same cutesy character Om Nom. Cut The Rope 2 reteaches the mechanics so you won’t feel alienated if you’ve never played the first game at all.  It won’t be long until you hit new obstacles and game mechanics, though. The balance of old and new is perfect. As you progress, you unlock 5 more playable characters which help you through certain challenges — each character has a unique special ability. This gives the game some longevity. Level diversity is good and the upgraded visuals offer more incentives to keep playing. In fact, on some levels, you must move Om Nom as well as the candy to get three stars.

Cut The Rope 2 is 99 cents upfront, but to unlock all the game’s levels requires a $5.99 in-app purchase. I think the App Store description is a bit disingenuous about this hidden cost, but don’t let it deter you from picking up this charming puzzler.

Tydlig (iPhone and iPad)


On the iPad, Apple doesn’t include a stock Calculator app like they do on the iPhone. All of the iPad calculators (that I’ve seen) in the App Store are just blown-up versions of the iPhone app, which is sort of stupid when you think about. Tydlig comes from a different perspective; emulating graph paper instead of the calculator pad. Calculations are typed (‘written’) onto the canvas and are solved automatically as you type. Calculations can be moved as a block or as individual terms. This is where it gets smart; dragging a solution number makes a special copy of it … that updates if the source calculation changes. This means you can create a system of interdependent equations with just a few taps. You can link variables to graphs too, to get an idea of how a variable changes over time.

Tydlig is truly innovative and comes in handy for more than just math homework — I encourage you to give it a go. The app costs $4.99 for both iPhone and iPad.

Screens VNC (iPhone and iPad)


Being able to log into your Mac every now and again is highly convenient. Screens first caught my eye with its timely iOS 7 update. Setup was almost instantaneous with my MacBook and I was very impressed with the level of input lag …. practically non-existent. The control interface puts modifier keys in a bottom toolbar for quick access. You can even copy and paste text between the computer and your iOS device. Most of the time a VNC client isn’t needed but when the time comes, having Screens ready to go is really handy.

Screens is currently on sale for $14.99. The accompanying Mac utility is free.

Fantastical 2 (iPhone)


The changes made to Calendar in iOS 7 have not been well received. If you are looking for an alternative, try Fantastical. The app syncs to the same calendar services offered by Apple’s own app, so there’s no lock in if you decide to switch back. I don’t know why you would though. The natural text parsing Fantastical is know for is as good as ever (‘Lunch at 4 next Tuesday’ converts into a calendar event for lunch on the 31st December) and an extra strip of characters on the keyboard speeds up event entry even more. For browsing, a day strip shows the next few days at a glance. Fantastical also manages Reminders tasks, allowing you to sidestep the ‘questionable’ stock iOS 7 interface for todos completely.

Fantastical 2 is 60% off for the holidays — currently on sale for just $1.99. Read our full review of the app for more information.

Castro (iPhone)


Don’t use Apple’s Podcasts app. It’s terrible. Castro is much better. With color-matched views and crisp text, this app has an extremely high fit and finish. It has the best search of any podcasts app I’ve tried, hooking directly into the iTunes database. Background updates download new episodes seamlessly, so its ready to go for your next day commute automatically. As an added bonus, the app icon fits right into your home screen without grossly over-saturating the color palette like a lot of other iOS 7 icons.

We reviewed Castro in November, with high praise. It’s currently on sale for $2.99.

Republique (iPhone and iPad)


If you are looking for something more serious to play, Republique is an excellent choice. It’s a dark thriller. You play as a hacker, attempting to escape from the totalitarian state they found themselves captive in.  Gameplay revolves around simplified stealth combat, which suits the touch controls of the iPhone. The game has high-quality voice acting, decent visuals (particularly in the face models) and engaging story right from the start. It’s a good break from the stereotypical mini game titles that dominate the top lists most of the time.

Republique costs $4.99 and is a universal app, supporting iPhone 4 and later, iPad 2 and later and the fifth-generation iPod touch.

Notability (iPhone and iPad)


If you find the stock Notes app lacking (don’t be surprised if you do), try Notability. This comprehensive app not only manages all your documents and notes, but can also edit and annotate them. You can type, write, highlight and draw all within the same interface. For school, Notability can be used to annotate presentations. For work, you can use Notability to fill out PDF forms or even sign your name with your finger. In addition, you can record a voice track that keeps in time with the hand-written notes. Tap a word or a picture and hear the snippet of audio that happened at the same time. In terms of organization, you can group documents into folder and subfolders, sort by date added and even search by title or content. Of course, iCloud integration keeps all your changes and additions in sync across all your devices seamlessly.

Although Notability is actually universal app, it really shines on the iPad due to the larger display. If you have an iPad, I seriously recommend this. It’s hard to believe that all these features come at the measly price of just $2.99 in the App Store.

Tweetbot 3 (iPhone)

Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 12.13.36

Tweetbot is, by a wide margin, the best Twitter client available on iOS. Whilst Twitter continues to destroy its own iOS app, Tapbots make Tweetbot better and better. The new look both gives the app its own distinctive personality and meshes with the aesthetics of iOS 7. For instance, the icon five-icon tabbar remains but has adopted a lighter look. Tapbots have taken advantage of iOS 7′s new physics engine too … flicking photos away is a delight, everything feels bouncy and ‘alive’. In terms of features, quick-swipe actions are a huge productivity boost (short swipe to retweet, long swipe to reply), cross-platform position sync and support for stuff like Reading List, Favstar and automatic night theme options stop me from using any other Twitter app on the iPhone.

Tweetbot 3 for iPhone is currently on sale for just $1.99. For more information, check out our full review from earlier this year. An update to the iPad version of Tweetbot is expected sometime next year.

Merry Christmas from 9to5Mac! Check out our guide for the best Mac apps too!

Written by: Benjamin Mayo @BenjaminZAMayo 3 hours, 20 minutesago -

Looking to buy an iPhone, iPad or Mac for the holidays? Here are the best deals


There’s little more than a week left for the Christmas holidays, and a number of retailers are discounting iPhones, iPads and Macs. Here are the best deals on each of these product categories.

iPhone 5s

iPhone 5c

Retina iPad mini

iPad Air


Best Buy and MacMalls’s promotions are valid in-stores as well as online.

Let us know if you’ve spotted great deals on Apple products in the comments below.

[via MacRumors]

Posted by Jason on Dec 19, 2013 -

Apple posts slide decks and videos from 2013 iOS 7 Tech Talks


As noted by 9to5Mac, Apple has posted content from its iOS 7 tech talks that were held in the past few months. Developers can access both slide decks and videos from the sessions, which focused on app and game development topics.

The Tech Talks are an extension of the development sessions held at WWDC. They are organized at various locations around the world and feature one-on-one help from Apple experts. Because they are smaller affairs, the labs are meant for developers to get detailed guidance as well as learn some handy tips and tricks. The Tech Talks started in October and ended December 18th. Now that the series for 2013 is completed, Apple has posted up the content from the talks as promised.

You’ll need a developers account to view or download the PDF slide decks and HD or SD versions of the videos from Apple’s Developer website.

Posted by Kelly on Dec 23, 2013 -

Cydia gets iOS 7 makeover [Video]

When evad3rs released the evasi0n7 jailbreak, it caught even Jay Freeman aka saurik, the creator of Cydia by surprise.

It however didn’t take him much time as he has just released a major upgrade for Cydia to give it an iOS 7 makeover.

As you can see, Cydia 1.1.9 now sports a user interface with the white background and flatter design. The Cydia icon doesn’t seem to be updated, however the icons used in the app for the packages etc has been updated.

When you launch Cydia, you should ideally get a prompt informing you to install the upgrade, tap on the “Complete Upgrade” to install the new version of Cydia.

If you don’t get the upgrade dialogue box as seen below, then tap on the Changes tab, and then the Refresh button at the top left corner to refresh the package list. You should ideally get the prompt and also see Cydia Installer 1.1.9 when you search for it in the Search tab. You can also try killing Cydia running in the background, and relaunching it to see it helps.


Here’s a quick look at redesigned Cydia in photos.

Cydia Home page


Cydia’s Section page


Cydia’s Changes page


Cydia’s Manage page


Cydia’s Search page

Here’s a video walkthrough of the redesigned Cydia for iOS 7:

Let me know what you think in the comments below. The redesign looks quite nice, and as a user who has installed it when it first came out in February 2008, I am very happy to see it get the much needed facelift.

Thanks Tristan for the tip!

Posted by Gautam on Dec 24, 2013 -

Rumor: Tim Cook to discuss $4 billion educational iPad deal with Turkish president


Apple CEO Tim Cook has some travel plans next year that’ll bring him to Turkey to negotiate a lucrative deal with the Turkish government. While in Turkey, Cook will both meet with President Abdullah Gül as well as visit Apple’s first retail store in the country. The report surfaced in Turkish publication and was translated by AppleInsider.

Cook will meet with Gül to discuss the country’s FATIH Project, which will revolutionize education in the country by replacing textbooks with iPads. The program calls for the purchase of up to 10 to 13 million tablets and is expected to roll out over a four-year period. The total cost of the project could top $4 billion. Earlier this year, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Apple headquarters in Cupertino (as shown above) to view the company’s iPad and educational advancements.

Cook also will visit Turkey’s first Apple Store in Istanbul’s Zorlu Center. The store is slated to open early next year and will resemble Apple’s well-known Fifth Avenue store in New York City.

Posted by Kelly on Dec 24, 2013 -

Apple rumored to launch larger iPhone in May 2014, 12.9 inch iPad to follow in October


According to Taiwanese site DigiTimes Apple’s 2014 product lineup includes both, a larger iPhone as well as a larger iPad. The larger iPhone is reportedly scheduled for a May 2014 launch, while the larger iPad, measuring 12.9 inch, will be released in October.

From DigiTimes:

Apple is rumored to release a 12.9-inch tablet in October 2014, targeting North America’s educational market, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.

Apple’s large-size tablet will be manufactured by Quanta Computer, and was originally expected to adopt either 12.9- or 13.3-inch panels, with recent rumors indicating that 12.9-inch has a better chance to be picked, the sources noted.

The larger display is expected to support a resolution of 2732×2048 pixels, which is much higher than the resolution of the current iPads. The WSJ previously reported that they too had heard about Apple working on a larger iPad. With Apple’s naming the 9.7 inch iPad, the iPad Air, there’s a high chance that the 12.9 inch iPad is called the iPad Pro.

DigiTimes’ report adds that the larger size iPhone will use a 20nm processor manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Though there’s no mention of a size, rumors point to a screen measuring anywhere between 4.7 to 4.9 inches.

Tim Cook recently said that Apple has big plans for 2014 that customers will love, and the larger iPhone and iPad might very well be the two most important products in the company’s plans.

We know that many of you are eagerly looking forward to an iPhone with a bigger screen, but would you buy the rumored 12.9 inch iPad?

Posted by Jason on Dec 23, 2013 -

San Francisco District Attorney asks Apple to enable Activation Lock by default


San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón wants Apple to enable its anti-theft feature, Activation Lock, by default on all iPhones. Activation Lock was introduced in iOS 7, and makes your lost or stolen iPhone useless until your Apple ID password is entered.

Gascón makes this demand based on a survey of over 300 people, which found that 84 percent of iPhone owners running iOS 7 have Activation Lock enabled. From CNET:

“Apple should be commended for leading the way and making efforts to safeguard their customers, but it is still too early to tell how effective their solution will be,” Gascon said in a statement. “Until Activation Lock is fully opt-out, it appears many iPhone owners will not have the solution enabled. This leaves iPhone users at risk as thieves cannot distinguish between those devices that have the feature enabled and those that do not.”

313 people took part in Gascón’s survey between November 4 and November 19. 90 percent of respondents owned an iPhone, and 84 percent of them had Activation Lock enabled. The feature is a part of Find my iPhone, and is enabled automatically if you have Find my iPhone enabled under Settings > iCloud > Find my iPhone. But Find my iPhone itself has to be enabled manually when you set up a new iPhone.


Gascón’s survey is a part of a renewed push to add a “kill switch” feature to all smartphones to prevent rampant smartphone theft in cities like San Francisco and New York. As per Gascón, carriers should have the ability to send a message to stolen smartphones to make them inoperable, but carriers aren’t too eager to implement this citing privacy concerns.

Posted by Jason on Dec 19, 2013 -

Google had to “start over” on Android after Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone

steve jobs andy rubyin

Google acquired Andy Ruby’s startup Android in 2005, and the company was scheduled to release the first Android phone by the end of 2007. But according to a Google engineer, the company had to start over on Android after seeing the iPhone for the first time.

This piece of information comes via a new book called Dogfight by Fred Vogelstein that describes the smartphone war based on conversations with Apple and Google employees.

Google engineers worked 60-80 hours a week for two years to create an Android phone codenamed Sooner, that looked like a BlackBerry phone, with a hardware keyboard and a small screen. But all of them were completely shocked by how advanced the iPhone was, after seeing the device for the first time.

From an excerpt of the book published in The Atlantic:

Chris DeSalvo’s reaction to the iPhone was immediate and visceral. “As a consumer I was blown away. I wanted one immediately. But as a Google engineer, I thought ‘We’re going to have to start over.’”

“What we had suddenly looked just so . . . nineties,” DeSalvo said. “It’s just one of those things that are obvious when you see it.”

Former Android chief, Andy Rubin’s reaction to the iPhone keynote was similar:

Rubin was so astonished by what Jobs was unveiling that, on his way to a meeting, he had his driver pull over so that he could finish watching the webcast.

“Holy crap,” he said to one of his colleagues in the car. “I guess we’re not going to ship that phone.”


Google’s Sooner Android phone

According to the excerpt, the Android team quickly “reconfigured” its objectives to make a phone like the iPhone, that was codenamed “Dream.”


The HTC Dream

Google’s “inspiration” didn’t go unnoticed at Apple. It started a long-lasting feud between the two companies, resulting in the then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigning from Apple’s board, and a number of patent infringement lawsuits being filed by Apple against Android manufacturers all over the world.

Steve Jobs was livid in expressing his dislike for Android. He wanted to “destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product” and called Android chief Andy Rubin a “Big arrogant f**k.” Apple did get Google to change several key Android features, but that didn’t stop the OS from capturing 80 percent smartphone marketshare worldwide.

Dogfight is a book written by Fred Vogelstein and you can buy it from Amazon or the iBooks store.

Posted by Jason on Dec 20, 2013 -

Cut the Rope 2 arrives in the App Store


Good news for Cut the Rope fans. Cut the Rope 2, sequel of the hugely popular physics-based game has just arrived in the App Store.

The game offers new experience and game mechanics, but preserves the “foundation” of the original game.

The game has Om Nom as the protagonist, and you still have cut ropes to feed him, but there are helper characters, and a more dynamic game play.

Here’s a brief description of the game from the game’s App Store page:

In his unexpected adventure, Om Nom breaks out of his box and travels through lush forests, busy cities, junkyards and underground tunnels, all in pursuit of one goal – CANDY! Along the way, he encounters the Nommies, the cutest candy collecting helpers a little green monster could wish for! 

Familiar to play, yet challenging to master, Cut the Rope 2 brings fresh challenges and unanticipated obstacles to the candy crunching, physics-based phenomenon that has delighted millions of players around the world! If you like Cut the Rope, you’ll love Cut the Rope 2!

Meet Om Nom’s new friends, the Nommies: 

• Roto can carry Om Nom to the best candy catching locations
• Lick can make small bridges with his tongue to help Om Nom reach his goal
• Blue can lift Om Nom to new levels of candy hunting fun
• Toss can throw objects, including candy
• Boo can scare Om Nom to jump to new heights

Cut the Rope 2 is available in the App Store for $0.99, and includes some in-app purchase options worth $1.99 each.

➤ Download link

Posted by Gautam on Dec 19, 2013 -

Mac Pro now available in Apple’s Online Store [Update: Shipping estimates slips to February]

mac pro

As expected, Apple’s much awaited desktop, the Mac Pro has gone on sale on the company’s online stores.

The base models ship by December 30, whereas the customized models will ship sometime in January.

The new Mac Pro is a looker, with a new cylindrical body and internals that’ll blow your socks off. It features the following specifications:

  • Redesign with cylindrical body, 1/8th the size
  • Intel Xeon processor
  • 1866 MHZ DDR3 ECC Memory
  • Dual Workstation graphics, AMD FirePro graphics, up to 12GB of GDDR5 VRAM
  • Flash storage with 1.2GBps reads, 1.0GB/s writes, up to 1TB of capacity
  • Thunderbolt 2, 6 devices per port, 20GB/s throughput
  • 4K display support, up to three 4K displays
  • quiet performance that is no louder than a Mac mini (12dB when idle)
  • dual audio out, 4USB 3.0, HDMI, motion sensor, 802.11ac and more
  • Versions of FinalCut, Aperture will be designed to take advantage of the MacPro hardware
  • Assembled in the USA

The base model, at $2999, includes a 3.7 GHz quad-core Intel Xeon E5 processor, two AMD FirePro D500 workstation GPUs, 12GB of RAM, and a 256GB flash storage drive. The $3999 model has a six-core 3.5GHz processor, 16GB of RAM, better GPUs, and 256GB flash storage.

A fully loaded Mac Pro with 2.7GHz 12-core Intel Xeon E5 processor with 64GB RAM, dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs retails for $9599. You also have the option to buy Sharp’s Sharp 32-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Monitor for $3,595.


It has hardly been a few hours since the Mac Pro has been on sale, and shipping estimates for Mac Pro has slipped to February from December 30. MacRumors reports:

The rapid move to push shipping off by over a month indicates that Apple has indeed been struggling to have any Mac Pro units at all ready to ship in order to meet its previously announced launch timeframe. Reports had indicated that Intel’s chips are in short supply and may have been one of the major bottlenecks for Mac Pro production, but with an all-new design, high-end technology throughout, and Apple shifting assembly to the United States, there are any number of areas where Apple may be experiencing production constraints.


[Via Apple]

Posted by Gautam on Dec 19, 2013 -

Protestors in California block Apple shuttle, damage Google bus


Tension is growing in San Francisco and surrounding areas between the well-paid employees of technology companies and the long-term, middle-class city residents who are being evicted because they can no longer afford rising rent prices.

To raise awareness of this gentrification of the city, protestors have staged events targeting the shuttle buses that technology companies use to bring their workers to their corporate offices. These corporate buses use the public bus stops to shuttle their workers, but are not part of the public bus system.

Though earlier protests have been peaceful, the most recent protest in West Oakland turned violent with protestors slashing the tires and breaking the windows of a Google shuttle bus, says a report by KQED news. A flyer circulating at the event ended with an all caps ultimatum telling Google to “Get the F$*@ out of Oakland.” At a separate protest on the same day, an Apple shuttle was also detained in San Francisco for over 30 minutes by protestors who refused to move out of the way of the bus.

Part of the issue with technology workers stems from rising rent prices resulting from an influx of technology professionals into the city. As noted by USA Today, the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $2800, a 27% increase over the past two years.

“I hope that we will be able to redirect the message today,” said organizer Erin McElroy. “This protest is about gentrification and people being displaced. We’re not necessarily against tech. We’re against tech’s effect on speculation and evictions.”

Another part of the problem involves the corporate limousine buses, which are crowding out the riders of the public transit system and blocking streets by using public bus stops. It’s a growing problem with more than 40 companies using luxury buses in the city. Google alone has over 100 buses and makes 380 trips through the Bay Area each day. Google and other tech companies are working out a system to pay the city for their use of public bus stops, but that likely won’t ease the tensions between the tech workers and some city residents.

You can read more about incident and the underlying issues in these articles at Mission Local and SF Examiner. It’s an interesting look at how technology is affecting our world in a way that goes beyond the phones we hold in our hands.

[Image from Vinnee Tong/KQED]

Posted by Kelly on Dec 21, 2013 -

Tim Cook: Apple has big plans for 2014 that customers will love


Tim Cook today sent a mail to all Apple employees reflecting upon what the company achieved in 2013, and getting people excited about Apple’s plans for 2014.

Cook starts off by saying that “tens of millions of people” around the world will be introduced to Apple products for the first time during this holiday season. He then reflects upon Apple’s achievements in 2013, which inlcude major product launches like iOS 7, the iPhone 5s, the new iPads, OS X Mavericks and more.

He also expressed pride over Apple’s involvement in initiatives like raising donations for the Philippines typhoon, Product RED, and supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Cook says that Apple has big plans for 2014, that its customers will love. He had previously said that Apple will be entering new product categories in the next year.

Here’s the full-text of Tim Cook’s email, courtesy 9to5Mac:


This holiday season, tens of millions of people around the world, from all walks of life, are experiencing Apple products for the first time. Those moments of surprise and delight are magical, and they’re all made possible by your hard work. As many of us prepare to celebrate the holidays with our loved ones, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what we’ve achieved together over the past year.

First and foremost, we introduced industry-leading products in each of our major categories in 2013, showing the breadth and depth of innovation at Apple. We extended our lead in the smartphone market with iPhone 5s; launched iOS 7, an extraordinarily ambitious project; released OS X Mavericks for free to our customers; introduced the iPad Air and the iPad mini with Retina display; and this week began shipping the Mac Pro from a manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas. We also marked our 50 billionth download on the App Store – a milestone no one could have predicted we would reach so quickly.

Together we’ve shown the world that innovation at Apple goes beyond our products to the way we do business and how we give back to our community. This year, Apple raised and donated tens of millions of dollars for important charities and relief efforts like Red Cross aid to typhoon victims in the Philippines, and we continue to be the largest contributor to (PRODUCT)RED, supporting the Global Fund in its fight against the spread of AIDS in Africa. Just a few weeks ago, Jony Ive led an unprecedented effort that brought money and awareness to eliminating the transmission of AIDS from mother to child.

And finally, Apple is standing up for what we believe is right. We know that equality and diversity make our company and our society stronger, so we’ve urged the U.S. Congress to support workplace protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We are also laser focused on our contribution to several environmental initiatives and we will increase our efforts even more in this area in the future.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2014, including some big plans that we think customers are going to love. I am extremely proud to stand alongside you as we put innovation to work serving humankind’s deepest values and highest aspirations. I consider myself the luckiest person in the world for the opportunity to work at this amazing company with all of you.

Happy Holidays,


[via 9to5Mac]

Posted by Jason on Dec 22, 2013 -

It’s Official: China Mobile to start selling the iPhone 5s and 5c on January 17


China Mobile and Apple announced today that the Chinese carrier will start selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on January 17, 2014. The carrier will start accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 5s via the carrier’s official website ( and its customer service hotline “10086″ beginning on Wednesday, December 25, 2013. This is a multi-year agreement that will likely include future versions of the iPhone.

Both China Mobile and Apple seem pleased with the deal, which will bring the iPhone to the world’s largest cellular carrier. As of this quarter, China Mobile has over 700 million subscribers, which eclipses the largest carriers in the US — Verizon Wireless and AT&T, both of which have between 100 and 120 million each. China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua and Apple CEO Tim Cook say in the press release:

“Apple’s iPhone is very much loved by millions of customers around the world. We know there are many China Mobile customers and potential new customers who are anxiously awaiting the incredible combination of iPhone on China Mobile’s leading network. We are delighted that iPhone on China Mobile will support our 4G/TD-LTE and 3G/TD-SCDMA networks, providing customers with high-speed mobile service,” said Xi Guohua, China Mobile Chairman.

“Apple has enormous respect for China Mobile and we are excited to begin working together. China is an extremely important market for Apple and our partnership with China Mobile presents us the opportunity to bring iPhone to the customers of the world’s largest network,” said Tim Cook, Apple CEO. “iPhone customers in China are an enthusiastic and rapidly growing group, and we can’t think of a better way to welcome in the Chinese New Year than getting an iPhone into the hands of every China Mobile customer who wants one.”

China Mobile customers looking to buy an iPhone on launch will be able to shop at China Mobile’s network of retail stores as well as Apple retail stores. Pricing will be available at a later date.

Posted by Kelly on Dec 22, 2013 -

Weekend news roundup: All the best Apple news from last week


It’s been a busy week filled with lots of jailbreak news, the debut of the new Mac Pro, and some new patents. Check out our round up below of all the best news you may have missed this past week.

It’s Official: China Mobile to start selling the iPhone 5s and 5c on January 17

China Mobile and Apple announced today that the Chinese carrier will start selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c on January 17, 2014. The carrier will start accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 5s via the carrier’s official website ( and its customer service hotline “10086″ beginning on Wednesday, December 25, 2013. This is a multi-year agreement that will likely include future versions of the iPhone.


Tim Cook: Apple has big plans for 2014 that customers will love

Tim Cook today sent a mail to all Apple employees reflecting upon what the company achieved in 2013, and getting people excited about Apple’s plans for 2014.

evasi0n jailbreak

evasi0n7: iOS 7 – iOS 7.0.4 Jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch released

To everyone’s surprise, the evad3rs team today released evasi0n jailbreak for iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. evasi0n is an untethered jailbreak for devices running iOS 7.0 through iOS 7.0.4.


Snapchat for iOS gets Replay, Visual Filters, Front Camera Flash and more

Ephemeral messaging service Snapchat has released a major update for its iOS app that brings some interesting new features such as Replay, photo filters, smart filters and more.

steve jobs andy rubyin

Google had to “start over” on Android after Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone

Google acquired Andy Ruby’s startup Android in 2005, and the company was scheduled to release the first Android phone by the end of 2007. But according to a Google engineer, the company had to start over on Android after seeing the iPhone for the first time.

mac pro

Roundup of first Mac Pro early impressions and hands-on reviews

Apple started selling its new Mac Pro today in Apple stores and third-party retailers across the globe. The company also handed out review units to select journalists, who have started the lengthy process of reviewing the machine. Before they poke, prod and push the machine to its limits, these reviewers have taken the time to share their first impressions of the device — how it looks, how it feels and how it performs right out of the box. These early reviews are so fresh, you can almost smell the new plastic in the air. Read on if you want to learn more about the first Mac Pros to hit the wild.


Researchers able to activate MacBook camera without triggering the warning light

One reassuring feature of the Mac was its camera indicator light that glows when an app is accessing the front camera. This feature protects you from spying eyes that want to activate the camera to film you as go about your business. Mac owners believed they were safe as long as the indicator light was off, but that assumption is unfortunately wrong says a new research paper.

apple projector patent

Apple wins patent detailing “desk-free” wireless computer with built-in projector

Apple has today been awarded a patent that describes a wireless “desk-free” computer with an integrated projector aimed to be extremely portable, with its only component being a computer housing.


Apple releases the Best of 2013 for the App Store and iTunes

Apple has announced its annual iTunes Store awards for 2013. It has announced the best apps, music, movies, TV shows, books and podcasts of the year.


Apple’s new holiday commercial will leave you teary eyed

Apple is known for its once-a-year holiday commercials that showcase its flagship products in a holiday setting. Two years ago, Apple focused on the iPhone 4s and Siri, while last year the iPad and FaceTime took center stage. This year’s clip features the iPhone, its movie making capabilities and the convenience of AirPlay streaming to an Apple TV.


Apple supplier Pegatron is using face recognition to combat the problem of underage workers in its factories in China, The Wall Street Journal reports.


Apple may have fixed exploits used for iOS 7 Jailbreak in iOS 7.1

Over the weekend, pod2g, a key member of the evad3rs dismissed rumors that the iOS 7 jailbreak was stolen.

Posted by Kelly on Dec 22, 2013 -