Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Rumor: Chinese evasi0n7 jailbreak installs pirated app store, pushes Cydia to the side


There’s a storm brewing over the recent iOS 7 jailbreak released by the evad3rs earlier today. Not only was Saurik (Jay Freeman) of Cydia fame not involved in the release of the jailbreak, there are also rumors that the Chinese version of the jailbreak features a Chinese app market instead of the well-known Cydia app repository. An unsubstantiated claims alleges that the evad3rs received a 3- or 4-figure sum to promote this pirated app store from Taig.

These allegations come from none other than Stefan Esser (@i0n1c), who has long been critical of recent jailbreak efforts. @i0n1c claims the evad3rs team received a substantial payoff from the Chinese firm to include a pirated market app in the jailbreak instead of Cydia. Esser himself claims he received a similar offer via an email, but turned it down and has long since deleted the email. Noted iOS developer and unlocker Will Strafach (@chronic) also says he and others were offered more than $150,000. This doesn’t confirm the evad3rs received a payoff, but it does open the door for that possibility.

Cydia is supposedly available in the Chinese iOS 7 jailbreak, but it is a secondary option, with some users reporting that the app does not work. Taig, the company behind the Chinese market app, is supposedly boasting about how MobileSubstrate is broken, but its own market library is working. Don’t believe it? You supposedly can try it for yourself as anyone can install this Chinese version by switching the language on their computer to Simplified Chinese.

You can check out the discussion about this Chinese app store on Y-Combinator’s Hacker News and browse through these tweets embedded below. Judge for yourself whether these accusations are true. For his part, evad3r member Pod2G doesn’t deny nor confirm that there is a a collaboration with TaiG, but he does express surprise that it may contain pirated apps.

 Updates: The evad3rs confirmed in a post that the team rushed out the jailbreak to beat a competing team that was close to a launch. It did not include Saurik in its launch as he was working with this other group. The evad3rs also confirmed that partnered with the Chinese app store Taig, but the inclusion of pirated apps was not part of the deal. Pod2g confirmed that the team has decided to remotely disable the installation of Taig until further notice.



Posted by Kelly on Dec 22, 2013 -

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