One of my favorite jailbreak tweaks of all-time is Barrel, it’s one of the first jailbreak tweaks that I install after jailbreaking my iPhone.
In case you’re not aware, Barrel was released back in 2010, and brought 3D-cube effect to the iPhone while swiping through Home screen pages. Since then the developer has been adding new animations to keep it fresh.
There is a new jailbreak tweak called Cylinder that aims to give the $3.99 Barrel a run for its money. Developer Reed Weichler says that the reason for making Cylinder was because he wanted to add more effects, and he didn’t like Barrel’s cube effect.
At the moment, Cylinder is in beta, so the number of animations are quite limited, however the 3D-cube effect is better than Barrel’s 3D cube effect. It has a more noticeable 3D-effect.
3D cube (Inside)
3D cube (Outside)
The other interesting feature that Cylinder offers is the ability to stack animations, so you can configure a 3D cube (inside) animation with a Spin animation. If you plan to stack animations, then you need to select them carefully as some combinations of animations may not look good. You can configure the tweak via the Settings app.
Check out the demo video of the jailbreak tweak in action:
Cylinder is currently in beta, and available for free. You need to add the to install the tweak. It is compatible with iOS 7, and also compatible with Barrel.
You can also add your own effects to Cylinder. The effects are coded in Lua, a simple scripting language. To add your own script, copy the .hua scripts to /Library/Cylinder/ using scp/WinSCP/iFile/iFunBox/whatever.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Themes used:
- Screenshots: Soft Remix
- Video: Ayeris
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