Monday, February 24, 2014

Former Apple Exec: iWatch Could be an ‘Even More Personal Computer’


Former Apple executive Jean-Louis Gassée, over at Monday Note, shares his thoughts about the rumored iWatch, and how the device could further advance the concept of a personal computer.

By looking back at Apple’s flagship products through the past few decades, Gassée argues that the company’s main goal has always been developing more personal computers, and that its other ventures, such as the iTunes Store or its retail stores, have only existed to make better PCs.

[W]hat really floats their boats, what hardens Apple’s resolve is designing, making, and selling large numbers of personal computers, from the traditional desktop/laptop Mac, to the genre-validating iPad, and on to the iPhone — the Very Personal Computer. Everything else is an ingredient, a booster, a means to the noblest end.

Although Apple’s already dabbled into the wristwatch market unintentionally when it introduced the iPod nano, Gassée doesn’t think Apple would simply iterate on the nano to deliver a smartwatch. The rumored 100 or so product designers would be working on something much bigger than that, he says:

Is Apple working on an iWatch that can be experienced as an Even More Personal personal computer — an “intimate computer”? If so, many questions arise: user interface, sensors, iOS version, new types of apps, connection with other iDevices… And, of course price.

It’s definitely going to be exciting to see how Apple thinks of a smartwatch, given how, unlike a smartphone, it would be wrapped around your wrist all the time, and thus much more easy to glance over than the iPhone. Would it be reliant on iOS devices just like the iPhone and iPad were, and to a certain extent still are, on PCs?

What do you think would be the perfect combination of features in an iWatch without making it too bloated?

Via: Monday Note

Posted by Rounak Jain on Feb 18, 2013 -

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