It looks like Sunday is indeed going to be a funday!
Earlier today, evad3rs dev team announced that the tool for the untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1 to iOS 6 will be called evasi0n.
While it has been speculated that Sunday could be a Funday based on comments by members of the evadrs dev team, the evasi0n website also seems to hint at the possibility of the release of the untethered iOS 6.x jailbreak on Sunday.
As you can see in the screenshot below from evasi0n’s website, the Calendar app that’s visibile on some of the iOS devices displays the date as 3rd, indicating the dev team are indeed planning to release the evasi0n jailbreak on Sunday, February 3rd.
Kudos to Twitter user Pix3lDemon who spotted this nice little easter egg.
the jailbreak is coming on sunday, if you look at the Calendar app on each phone you see it says 3 (for sunday)
— Daniel (@Pix3lDemon) January 31, 2013
We’re super excited, can’t wait for the jailbreak. If you’ve any questions, please feel free to ask us in the comments below. We’ll let you know as soon as there is any updates, so don’t forget to join our Facebook Fan page or follow us on Twitter or add us on Google+ or subscribe to our RSS feed.
Thanks Alan for the tip!
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