Saturday, February 22, 2014

Upcoming iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweak will bring Native-looking Quick Launch App Shortcuts to Control Center


UI Designer Sentry and Cydia developer Jack Willis, are working on a jailbreak tweak that will bring native looking quick launch app shortcuts to Control Center.

The duo had developed jailbreak tweaks such as Auxo, an extremely popular replacement for the iOS app switcher in iOS 6.

We’ve seen quite a few jailbreak tweaks such as that allow you to customize the quick launch shortcuts in Control Center, but they hope to stand out by designing app icons that look native as you can see in the mockups (above and below).


Since it is wouldn’t be possible to design app icons for all the apps available in the App Store, they have shortlisted 50+ popular apps, and are requesting redditors to give their inputs. Users will still be allowed to select any app from the list of apps installed on their iOS device, but they don’t want the icons to look out of place so they’re designing app icons for the most popular apps, 

If you like the native look, please do head over to this reddit thread and let them know if your favorite app is missing from their list.

Posted by Gautam on Jan 03, 2014 -

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