Last week, a hacking team called UnthreadedJB appeared out of nowhere to release an untethered jailbreak for older iPhones, iPads and iPod touches running iOS 5.1.1 or earlier. The team behind the jailbreak has now gone onto claim that they have a working untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 6.1.4 running on newer devices like the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S etc. This is newsworthy, since evasi0n doesn’t work on iOS 6.1.3 and above.
UnthreadedJB always appeared to be fake, given their broken English tweets, but the team did deliver a working untethered jailbreak, albeit for an older iOS versions that reused known exploits. Here’s what evad3rs member planetbeing had to say about unthredera1n:
a) some real work is done, at least porting the patches and reimplementing the exploit in non-ROP [Return-oriented programming] form and b) these people secretly CAN spell. Quite an interesting community troll it looks like.
According to saurik, it’s a reimplementation in non-ROP form of the rocky racoon pf thing. An excellent choice since it can be exploited trivially in a few lines of code pre-iOS 5 if you don’t have to use ROP. Use of the amfid trick negates having to use ROP.
Also apparently there is a HIDDEN readme file wherein proper spelling, grammar and punctuation is used that credits us. We’re seriously being trolled hard.
I wish they used and/or updated my ios-patchfinder project so that it’d work on more than iPhone 4 CDMA though.
The target audience for unthreded’s older iOS version jailbreak was further reduced by the requirement of Linux, which only a minority of users have.
Coming back to UnthreadedJB’s claims of having an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4, for which the team has even published a video on YouTube as proof, it seems unlikely that such a thing exists according to iDesignTimes:
Just because someone was able to release an untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4 which, for all intents and purposes, is a “new” jailbreak, doesn’t mean we’re about to see a new team emerge that will show up the Evad3rs and release that coveted iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 untethered for iPhone5/4S many want so badly.
Now I want to follow that statement by saying, I don’t think it’s impossible for a new team could emerge, or that some new talent could surface in the jailbreak community. It’s just that this has every earmarking of a really amazing troll on the jailbreak community. Provide some hope, then draw back.
iDesignTimes’ bases this theory upon an earlier comment made by planetbeing that said most hackers would want to preserve current exploits until iOS 7, and not burn them all in minor iOS 6.x releases. Once/If an iOS 7 jailbreak is released, it would get back-ported to work on iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 as well.
we hav #iso614unthreaded , we hav #proove alredy, but noboodi beleve
— Unthreaded JB (@UnthreadedJB) July 31, 2013
I think @UnthreadedJB is one of the funniest methods to release a jailbreak so far. instead of teasing, act obnoxiously fake until release.
— Will Strafach (@chronic) July 31, 2013
Of course it’s likely that UnthreadedJB again surprises everyone, like it did earlier, with an iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 jailbreak, but we think it would be best for everyone if they hold off until the final release of iOS 7 to ensure that they’re not burning an exploit. Tell us what you think in the comments below.
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